Category: Education

A big distraction

A big distraction

With girls again outperforming boys at GCSEs an academic has posed the question: “Why can’t we accept it is just that they are cleverer?” Professor Alan Smithers’ comment was not just a throw-away line; he had conducted research into this area and published a report on it. And for the most part, I would go…

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There is prejudice in education, but not where you think

There is prejudice in education, but not where you think

Having read the reaction to the Commons Education Select Committee’s report I must agree that there is prejudice and discrimination built into the education system. It wrongly values academic ability above vocational ability. Our priority in education must be to provide an education that fits each child’s needs and their particular strengths and abilities. The ‘one size fits…

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Why are businesses having to teach youngsters English and Maths?

Why are businesses having to teach youngsters English and Maths?

For decades, universities and businesses have complained that many coming through the school system have sub-standard literacy and numeracy skills. While the 2014 National Curriculum changes were a move in the right direction, the problem remains. The boss of John Lewis, Dame Sharon White, has recently disclosed that the business is giving basic English and…

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Where tutoring should be targeted

Where tutoring should be targeted

The Prime Minister has been criticised for saying that wealthier parents can buy private tuition because they ‘work hard’. It is true that many people who work hard can afford tutors for their children. Many parents also make sacrifices and forego other things to be able to afford the tuition. And it is also true…

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