
Why universities are wrong to downgrade the importance of grammar

Why universities are wrong to downgrade the importance of grammar

Standards at universities should be high and academic excellence ought to be the aim. However, in order to ‘decolonise’ the curriculum and ensure ‘equity of opportunity’, the theory of ‘inclusive assessment’ has infected our once-great institutions of learning. This phrase is a euphemism for the further erosion of standards – the opposite of what universities…

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Something’s got to give!

Something’s got to give!

Needless to say, teaching unions have baulked at the suggestion that the school day or term-time should be lengthened in order for students to catch up on work missed during lockdown. The unions exist to represent the interests of their members and that is their priority. They can’t be criticised for this, but it does…

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It’s another ‘F’ for the education unions

It’s another ‘F’ for the education unions

Progressive educationalists and the education unions are again attempting to abolish GCSEs – they really don’t want to test at all. The National Education Union said it will be debating a motion at its Easter conference to abolish the exams. This would be disastrous for children’s education. GCSEs have been in place for many years…

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Uniforms are the smart choice

Uniforms are the smart choice

When I read that a peer of the Realm had said school uniforms were ‘repressive’ and should be abolished so pupils can ‘find their own style’ I rolled my eyes. This canard comes around every so often, usually from the middle classes who can afford to buy their children the trendiest, most fashionable gear. The…

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