
Progressive can be regressive

Progressive can be regressive

There have been many changes in the educational system since the late 1950s and early 60s, including a big move to a more progressive approach. This threw aside most of the traditional teaching methods in literacy and numeracy. Literacy focused less on grammar, syntax and good spelling – the structural elements of language – in…

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Why we must start getting children back to school

Why we must start getting children back to school

The longer children are not in school, the more they will suffer through their educational journey and beyond into the workplace. The government was correct to identify that children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 are being particularly hit by the school closures. Reception and Year 1 children are learning basic numeracy and literacy…

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Can parents replace their children’s teachers? Not by a long chalk.

Can parents replace their children’s teachers? Not by a long chalk.

Teaching is not easy at the best of times, so to be handed the responsibility of educating children having received no training or experience is daunting. But that is exactly what faced millions of parents when schools were suddenly closed due to the Coronavirus crisis. Their charges – of whatever age – needed to continue…

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A ticking mental health bomb – why school closures should be as short as possible

A ticking mental health bomb – why school closures should be as short as possible

Like most teachers, I listened to the announcement that all schools were to close with dread and a very heavy heart. Undoubtedly the government needs to try everything to flatten the curve of rising Covid-19 cases but I fear long-term closures of schools could be a very heavy price to pay. First and foremost I…

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