
Open new grammar school in poorest areas and let children shine

Open new grammar school in poorest areas and let children shine

Fifty years ago Harold Wilson announced he wanted every comprehensive school to be as good as a grammar school. Half a century on and we’re still nowhere near to achieving that goal. How much longer do we leave it, another 50 years? No, and that’s why I’m delighted that the government is proposing to put…

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New grammar schools would help more children fulfil their academic promise

New grammar schools would help more children fulfil their academic promise

There’s been a sweeping change of the guard at the top of our political establishment, with a grammar school educated Prime Minster now at the helm and the first-ever Education Secretary to have attended a comprehensive secondary school. Since Theresa May and Justine Greening, the new Education Secretary, took hold of the reins of power,…

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The School Library- An Institution in Danger

The School Library- An Institution in Danger

Many of us with a passion for literature have fond memories of the school library as a place that nurtured our love of the written word. This is why I read with disappointment the findings from a recent survey by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) about library provision in UK schools. Although 94%…

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Time to fight for the education of bright children from all backgrounds

Time to fight for the education of bright children from all backgrounds

As a working-class boy whose academic success led me to where I am now, I’m truly saddened that thousands of this generation’s brightest children could be missing out. Ofsted chief Sir Michael Wilshaw has now raised his head above the parapet and said we are letting down the nation’s bright children – particularly those from…

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