
The benefits of reading for fun

The benefits of reading for fun

Reading forms a central part of the English curriculum in schools and the benefits that children receive by encountering a range of different texts in an academic setting are varied and many. Spelling, grammar, creative writing ability and comprehension skills are all improved when children are introduced to challenging literature at an early age. As…

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Do not take a break from learning over the summer holidays

Do not take a break from learning over the summer holidays

As an education expert, I am calling on families across Britain to keep their children’s minds active during the long summer holidays. Studies, and anecdotal evidence from teachers, have shown that children academically regress following the six-week break. As a teacher, tutor and education author, I have noticed that quick and fun learning activities can…

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Why is teaching comprehension skills to children so important?

Why is teaching comprehension skills to children so important?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines comprehension as simply ‘the ability to understand something’. More specifically, the term ‘reading comprehension’ can be understood as the process of simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and involvement with written language. It is a vital skill, which should form the basis of every child’s linguistic development. Without comprehension,…

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The most important things to know about non-verbal reasoning

The most important things to know about non-verbal reasoning

Many grammar schools require applicants to sit non-verbal reasoning tests. If your child is sitting a CEM (Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring) test, it will have a non-verbal reasoning component. GL (Granada Learning) Assessment non-verbal reasoning tests are also used by some grammar schools. It is important to check the details of any tests your…

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Revision Tips

Revision Tips

You only need to Google ‘revision tips’ in order to discover a plethora of advice on how to tackle revision and find strategies to help optimise what has been taught during lessons. Revision always involves a combination of memorisation and the application of all one has learnt to specific questions. There is a limited amount…

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