
How many words do you know?

How many words do you know?

April 23rd is United Nations English Language Day. This date was chosen because it is Shakespeare’s birthday (thought to be 23rd April 1564). Shakespeare’s plays and poems have had an enormous impact on the development of the English language. The origin of many words and phrases that are commonly used in our language today can…

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Saturday 21st March is World Poetry Day

Saturday 21st March is World Poetry Day

In 1999, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) declared that every year the 21st March was to be World Poetry Day. Why would they want to draw our attention to poetry as a literary form? One reason is that reading and listening to poetry can enrich our lives. Poetry is ‘heightened language’,…

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What is Semantics and why is it important?

What is Semantics and why is it important?

A number of us may be familiar with the term ‘semantics’ when used in an idiomatic sense, i.e. ‘that’s just semantics’. This kind of statement is often used as a put-down when someone is trying to complicate an argument with a wordy explanation. However, in truth, semantics is a very important subject. Semantics is the…

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Kent Primary in Academy status row

Kent Primary in Academy status row

Governors of Twydall Primary (Gillingham) voted on Friday on whether to convert the school to an academy run by the Thinking Schools Academy Trust (TSAT) – against the vast majority of parents wishes expressed in a consultation. The school has been in special measures since May 2014. Yesterday morning Alex Ward was talking on BBC…

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Are your children prepared for the potential ‘war on illiteracy and innumeracy’?

Are your children prepared for the potential ‘war on illiteracy and innumeracy’?

You may have read the Sunday Times article this weekend (a front-page commentary written by Tim Shipman and Sian Griffiths), about the ‘war on innumeracy’ that could take place over the next few years. The article states that ‘at present the UK ranks 23rd for reading, and 26th for maths in international league tables for…

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