Category: Curriculum

Labour. New danger?

Labour. New danger?

The last government in its dying months published guidance for the teaching of Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) in schools. It was prompted by stories of inappropriate materials being used, ‘sexuality’ being taught to youngsters and gender ideology being promoted in the classroom. It set down ages at which children should be taught particular…

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Video violence can harm school children

Video violence can harm school children

An education expert and former government adviser has blasted a video that has been shown to primary school children. The short, animated CGI 3D film made available by ‘teachers resource’ company The Literacy Shed depicts a frightening, post-apocalyptic world with violent scenes. Dr Stephen Curran said the 8min 30sec film called ‘Ruin’ was inappropriate for…

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Praise the quiet revolution

Praise the quiet revolution

It is easy to criticise and pick faults with our education system because we all have thoughts about how it should be run and how children should be taught. But praise must also be issued when the system improves. And that has happened. A quiet revolution has been taking place since the coalition Government took…

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Scrap Blair not exams

Scrap Blair not exams

Tony Blair has a cheek by saying A Levels and GCSEs should be scrapped. He was responsible for eroding the standards in schools, so perhaps his latest foray into education policy is his plan to finish the job he began as Prime Minister? He should pipe down. The former PM wants exams replaced with assessments.…

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