Category: Education System

The Chancellor’s Budget reference that no-one is talking about

The Chancellor’s Budget reference that no-one is talking about

Amidst all the commentary about the Chancellor’s Budget, one point he made has largely been ignored. Jeremy Hunt made reference to the improving educational standards in England by pointing out how the country has risen up the Pisa rankings. These put England in 14th place out of 81 countries – and show how its curriculum…

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How to turn round a failing school

How to turn round a failing school

Reports about the goings on in Oasis Academy school in Sheerness, Kent have recently drawn the attention of the press for all the wrong reasons. Apparently, teachers have been subjected to racial slurs, threats of sexual violence and even death threats. Staff have been physically assaulted and have had to avoid chairs being thrown at…

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A zero sum game

A zero sum game

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has U-turned on taking away the charitable status of private schools because the effect would be devastating. Its removal would also have had the effect of schools abolishing assisted places, bursaries and scholarships for poorer students. Starmer would have been criticised for harming the education of poor children, so he…

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Praise the quiet revolution

Praise the quiet revolution

It is easy to criticise and pick faults with our education system because we all have thoughts about how it should be run and how children should be taught. But praise must also be issued when the system improves. And that has happened. A quiet revolution has been taking place since the coalition Government took…

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