Category: In the News

BBC Radio 4 Krishna Avanti School in Harrow award (7 July 2024)

BBC Radio 4 Krishna Avanti School in Harrow award (7 July 2024)

Yesterday morning, I was featured on the BBC Radio 4 Sunday programme about the Krishna Avanti School in Harrow, which is about to receive an award for its outstanding example and performance. I have a very positive view of schools with a religious foundation – if they can walk the line of religious affiliation, with…

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Setting the right type of homework and engaging parents are key to educational success

Setting the right type of homework and engaging parents are key to educational success

Once again the UK has come out low in international education standings – this time in how much participation parents play in their children’s homework. According to a report released by the Varkey Foundation last week, a mere 11% of UK parents spend at least an hour every day helping their children with their homework…

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Time to re-think secondary education

Time to re-think secondary education

As politicians, teachers and parents study today’s secondary school league tables and play the comparison game, isn’t time we changed our archaic way of educating? The whole basis of today’s league table is how much academic progress and attainment schools have achieved for students. Of course, striving for the best academically should be a very…

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New education secretary must be bold

New education secretary must be bold

And so we welcome another new Secretary of State for Education and I for one am hoping Damian Hinds’ appointment heralds a return to the government’s election promises. It’s been said that Justine Greening was removed from the brief as she did not exactly see eye-to-eye on the Prime Minister’s vision for grammar schools as…

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