Category: Politics

How Labour and the unions want to destroy our education system

How Labour and the unions want to destroy our education system

Labour and the unions are preparing to damage our education system and harm our children. It has been reported that the new government wants to reduce testing and move away from learning times tables and basic grammar. This will be disastrous. Since the new syllabus – which I advised on – was introduced in 2014,…

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Labour. New danger?

Labour. New danger?

The last government in its dying months published guidance for the teaching of Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) in schools. It was prompted by stories of inappropriate materials being used, ‘sexuality’ being taught to youngsters and gender ideology being promoted in the classroom. It set down ages at which children should be taught particular…

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My message to the Education Secretary after the General Election: ‘Build on’ rather than ‘tear down’

My message to the Education Secretary after the General Election: ‘Build on’ rather than ‘tear down’

Whoever wins the General Election will have a huge inbox. There will be decisions to make on all manner of things including health, defence and the economy. There is one thing, however, that they shouldn’t tinker with too much – at least in England. That is education. Since the new national curriculum was introduced in…

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Oh dear, Sir Keir

Oh dear, Sir Keir

The man who is likely to be our next Prime Minister has opined on the subject of education. In a wide-ranging speech, Sir Keir Starmer attempted to set out what a Labour government would do for our schoolchildren. Of course, being a Labour leader he neglected to mention that his own education benefited from the…

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