
Exams or Teacher Grading

Exams or Teacher Grading

In response to a Telegraph article on the announcement by the Department for Education on this year’s exams (you can read the PDF of the article here), is that you can only have one or the other. It seems there is going to be a ‘free for all’. Slimmed-down but compulsory exams offer a way…

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Catching up and summer schools

Catching up and summer schools

Two recent news articles by the BBC:  “Covid: Catch-up narrative putting ‘huge pressure’ on children, psychologists say” (22 February 2021 – read the PDF of the article here) and the Telegraph: “We must be as radical in helping schools as we were with vaccines” (22 February 2021) have highlighted the psychological and educational impact the pandemic and lockdown…

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SNP must scotch its disastrous curriculum

SNP must scotch its disastrous curriculum

Scotland’s education system was once envied across the world and countries scrambled to copy it. But now, under the SNP’s rule, it has become a scandal which the rulers north of the border are attempting to cover up. The progressive approach taken by the 2010 ‘Curriculum for Excellence’ is to blame. Trendy methods excited university…

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