
What are ‘Short Maths’, ‘Long Maths’ and ‘Numerical Reasoning’?

What are ‘Short Maths’, ‘Long Maths’ and ‘Numerical Reasoning’?

These ‘new’ terms are being used as part of the introduction of the new CEM 11+ Exam. ‘Numerical Reasoning’ is probably a more familiar term but the use of terms like ‘Short Maths’ and ‘Long Maths’ may cause some confusion in parents’ minds. ‘Numerical Reasoning’ is just another name for Mathematics. However, the use of…

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What is the difference between IQ and AQ?

What is the difference between IQ and AQ?

In the history of intelligence testing, a distinction has been drawn between IQ (Innate quotient – the natural dormant intelligence which a person is born with) and AQ (Acquired quotient – ability that is acquired via study and application). There have been numerous debates about how these aspects are to be measured and whether or…

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Is the misuse of the apostrophe the beginning of the demise of the English Language?

Is the misuse of the apostrophe the beginning of the demise of the English Language?

Many argue that the incorrect use or omission of‎ the apostrophe to indicate possession in the English Language does not matter. They say its use is antiquated and its loss signifies little in sentence construction. I would beg to disagree. Firstly, it helps clarify meaning and its omission can lead to confusion over who possesses…

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